The Most Compact Fluorescence Microscope

in the World!

Chris Shumate, CEO
Add this compact fluorescence microscope to your instruments and applications!
Etaluma’s patented microscope module features:
  • Solid-state channel selection, no filter wheels, no pixel shift
  • Triple excitation, dedicated channels
  • USB3 camera choices
  • 4 inch optics path with high photonic efficiency
Etaluma uses Semrock filters with multi-bandpass Pinkel set technology








Click here to be taken to the Semrock Multiband/Pinkel set page.

Camera choices

A variety of cameras are available; one of our favorites is the 12-bit Basler Dart using an Aptina sensor. This is available in monochrome and color versions.


Exquisite LED Control

An advanced 5 channel LED control board allows sophisticated triggering and synchronization through a current stabilized illumination circuit.


Motion Control








Etaluma provides a variety of 3-axis motion control for multi-position labware, autofocus, and Z-stacking.

For more information on how we can help your imaging needs, contact us here.

Schedule a Live Demo
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