
OEM Commercial-Ready

Optics Modules and Motion

Etaluma offers high resolution optics, microscopy components, automation, and complete imaging solutions. And we can customize! If you are looking to add imaging to your instrument or application, we have multiple options for you.

We have been working with Etaluma on developing the fluorescence imaging portion of our instrument. After looking at many other options, we selected a Lumascope optics module and are working with Etaluma to maximize our dye imaging signal and customize the module body. We have found this to be a very cooperative process, sharing ideas back and forth, with the common goal of providing a quality product that meets our specifications at an affordable price.

When designing products that include microscopy or cell imaging functions, often one must decide what to buy and what to design in-house. An OEM-components partnering strategy can significantly augment the expertise of your own team and eliminate the risks from not knowing what you don’t know. It can free up internal resources for other projects, reduce long-term costs, and ultimately help get your products to market faster.

From multi-bandpass LED excitation blocks to full multi-channel epi-fluorescence microscopy modules, Etaluma can provide components and assemplies for your imaging project.

Etaluma also offers multi axis motion control automation, autofocus, and trans-illumination technology for enhanced contrast.

Z-Drive motorized focus for autofocus and Z-stack acquisition.

Manual focus mainframe provides perpendicular mounting surface with four bolts for custom decks or locating.

The first monolithic multi-channel epi-fluorescence dual microscopes module.

Dedicated features with just the
right amount of flexibility

The optics of microscopy can have very complex functionality and performance requirements. In addition, the risk of over design and under design are significant. One of the most important steps in defining an effective OEM strategy is to carefully draft specifications and customer use scenarios. What features or performance factors are a ‘must have’ and what can come later, i.e., are version 2? Factors important to consider are customer expectations, size, serviceability, user interface, and pricing.

An old automation saying important to consider is, “the easiest step to automate is the one you eliminate”. By removing superfluous features, the product development process becomes streamlined. Good design philosophy is also reflected in the KISS principle, i.e., “keep it simple, stupid”. Extra parts, components, and functionality cost time and money in inventory, material handling, development, product testing, and life-cycle management. Etaluma also believes in eliminating moving parts wherever possible. This is seen most dramatically in our multichannel, solid-state, Pinkel filter set configuration for pixel shift-free images and composite images. No moving parts also increases the speed with which we can switch excitations. We also often ask what hardware can be “done at the software stage”.

Under design is also risky — especially when it results from eliminating functionality mid-stream to mitigate project delays. Why waste time trying to design something that others have already perfected?

OEM microscopy outsourcing improves efficiency

At the beginning of a new product development phase, consider whether it might be more efficient to outsource specific components or even a fully integrated private label Etaluma microscope. You can save significantly on development costs and speed up time to market by working with us as an OEM partner that offers:

  • Established performance specifications
  • Off-the-shelf CORE optics components or customized configurations
  • Pre-tested optics and motion modules
  • Expertise in microscopy and automation
  • Custom colors and cameras available
  • Software Development Kit and Micromanager Device Adapter available.

Combining this technology-focused bottom-up assessment with a top-down feature-focused approach enables you to best determine how to leverage your existing resources to the maximum extent, and take full advantage of the cost and time efficiencies that we as an OEM microscopy partnership can bring.

Download our OEM brochure for more information

Why use Etaluma as your
OEM partner for microscopy?

  • When you need your team needs to focus on their specialized expertise
  • When you need a component that is ready to integrate
  • When you need a component or customized configuration that is already designed, tested and documented

Etaluma is your OEM partner!

Unlike a one-time product purchase, the most effective outsourcing strategy becomes a long-term partnership. A vital element in your choice of an OEM supplier is how they will support your product development beyond simply supplying components. Trust Etaluma as your microscopy OEM supplier to always deliver the highest standards of expertise, collaboration, quality, support, and ownership for the lifetime of your project and product. Learn more about how Etaluma Partnering can help you reduce time-to-market in your development projects.

We design and offer optical components, microscopy systems including automation, and accessories. We can also design and make custom versions. Products range from optics modules that fit inside or complement your instrumentation to private-label microscopes.

Lumascope LS850

Our Goal

We strive to make the best inverted fluorescence microscopes to meet your needs at the most affordable prices.

Tell us what you need – we want your input and feedback!

Full stack fluorescence microscopy.

Camera, LED, and motion control through a single Board computer (SBC) running Ubuntu in a Google remote procedure call ( client server architecture.

Traditional APIs for LED control, motion control and camera control are available.

Open Source Python control and GUI code available.

LED control and motion control boards piggyback on a carrier board.  A variety of SBCs and operating systems can be used. 

Etaluma offers two automation platforms.

Move the sample or move the scope, you choose.

The 700 series platform allows a single microplate footprint labware to be accessed with 10 mm of Z for a larger volume to sample and more positional flexibility.  


Patent pending Skylight technology where patterns of display on a monitor are used to provide novel trans-illumination contrast modes. Skylight is a powerful, low profile, economic approach to digital illumination. 

Solid-state optics in which the 3 channels turn on consecutively
Etaluma’s Proprietary Optics Engine (photo above)

An entire 3-color fluorescence microscope in the palm of your hand! Or in your instrument’s hardware.  Important features:

  • Solid-state channel switching with no moving parts and no pixel shift
  • Uses multi-bandpass filter sets from Semrock or Chroma
  • Etaluma’s high resolution, near diffraction-limited optics
  • 4-inch light path with high photon capture
  • C-mount for use of custom USB3 cameras 
  • Now configured with an LED controller for fine control of LED illumination
  • Compatible with RMS-threaded, infinity corrected, 45 mm parfocal distance objectives (or other objectives with adaptors)

Contact us to configure these near diffraction-limited optics to your own specifications.

Solid-state optics in which the 3 channels turn on consecutively
Choice of Fluorescence Wavelengths

Our standard Optics Module detects the following:

  • Blue (e.g., Dapi):  Excitation 370-410 nm; Emission 429-462 nm
  • Green (e.g., FITC):  Excitation 473-491 nm; Emission 502-561 nm
  • Red: (e.g., Texas Red):  Excitation 580-598 nm; Emission 612-680 nm

We have built other color combinations as well including those for Cy3 and Cy5.  Let us know what you need.

Dual Camera Optics Modules – Capture 2 Emissions From 1 Excitation

Addition of image splitter

Image splitter plus mirror to give

New 800 Series XYZ Automation Platform
  • High performance XY positioning
  • 14mm Z-travel with 100 nm steps
  • Microscope slides, microplates, flasks, custom chips, mixed labware
  • Robot friendly
  • Robust autofocus and Z-stacking
  • Goes into incubators
  • Optional turret
Motorized Z for Autofocus and Z-stacking
  • 14 mm travel, 100 nm steps
  • Lead screw design with anti-backlash
  • Able to autofocus repeatedly at same location
  • Open source Python image-based autofocus algorithm
  • Supports optional 4-position turret
Multi-Head Microscope/Imager

Move multiple modules under samples

  • More colors
  • Multiple magnifications
  • Multiple cameras, e.g., monochrome & color
  • Faster imaging

Only possible with Etaluma’s compact optics!

Latest Generation CMOS Cameras
  • USB3 or GigE, C-mount connection
  • High bit-depth (≥ 12)
  • Fast frame rates
  • Rolling or global shutter
  • More sensor choices
  • Better performance & multi-platform
Etaluma’s New LED Controller

Fine Illumination Control

  • 6 LED channels
  • High speed
  • Thousands of illumination levels
  • Direct triggering for LED synchronization
  • PWM and direct current control
  • Multi-platform
  • Small form-factor (over 3X smaller than OTS units)
  • Tolerates 55 C, 5%-95% relative humidity, noncondensing
More Optics Module Customization
  • Shorter optics module (< 80 mm)
  • Mirror block under objective
  • Multiple applications where instruments have restricted Z height
Private-label Microscopes

Market your own microscope with your name displayed. Specialized software can allow you to optimize your customer’s experience. We can handle the labeling or ship them to you for finishing. We can also drop ship them to your customers.

Complete overhead clearance allows plumbing, micromanipulators, compact incubator chambers, and perfusion experiments. Add reagents while recording live video.

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