OEM Optics Module & Other Components

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4-Channel Optics Module Powered by USB!










  • 3 fluorescence colors + phase contrast/brightfield
  • C-mount allows custom camera integration
  • SDK available
  • Powered by USB cable connected to computer

[/span6][span6] Request Info


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Or call 760-298-2355.



Etaluma can be your OEM partner!

We design and offer optical components, microscopy systems including automation, and accessories.  We can also design and make custom versions.  Products range from optics modules that fit inside or complement your instrumentation to private-label microscopes.

Several examples are shown below.  Please contact us for more information.


You choose your labeling

You choose your labeling

Private-label Microscopes

Market your own microscope with your name displayed.  Specialized software can allow you to optimize your customer’s experience.  We can handle the labeling or ship them to you for finishing.  We can also drop ship them to your customers.






Optics & Control System for 3-color fluorescence

Optics & Control System for 3-color fluorescence

Microscopy Optics & Control Systems

See how powerful our imaging “engine” is at very economical prices. An entire microscope in the palm of your hand (or your robot’s!).  Contact us to configure these near diffraction-limited optics to your own specifications.  A C-mount camera port allows for custom camera integration.


In one of our OEM partnerships with a North American molecular diagnostics company, the project head commented, “We have been working with Etaluma on developing the fluorescence imaging portion of our instrument. After looking at many other options, we selected a Lumascope optics module and are working with Etaluma to maximize our dye imaging signal and customize the module body. We have found this to be a very cooperative process, sharing ideas back and forth, with the common goal of providing a quality product that meets our specifications at an affordable price.”


Double Upright-Inverted Optics

Double upright-inverted optics

Double Upright-Inverted Microscope

Imagine two live views with different magnifications on the same field of view!  What could you accomplish with our economical imaging module?






Imaging custom systems

Imaging custom systems

Lab on a Tip Application

Complete overhead clearance allows plumbing, micromanipulators, compact incubator chambers, and perfusion experiments.  Add reagents while recording live video.







Side-by-side optics

Side-by-side optics

Double Side-by-Side Optics Microscope

How about two live views in the same disposable?  Sample and Control run simultaneously and side by side. What can you accomplish with such a system?