Choose Etaluma’s State of the Art Microscopy Modules for Your Development Project

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Solid-state optics in which the 3 channels turn in rapid succession.
Etaluma’s Proprietary Optics Engine
An entire 3-color fluorescence microscope in the palm of your hand! Or in your instrument’s hardware. Important features:
- Solid-state channel switching with no moving parts and no pixel shift
- Uses multi-bandpass filter sets from Semrock or Chroma
- Etaluma’s high resolution, near diffraction-limited optics
- Short and simple light path with high photon capture
- C-mount for custom USB3 cameras
- LED controller for fine control of LED illumination
- Compatible with RMS-threaded, infinity corrected, 45 mm parfocal distance objectives (other objectives with adaptors)
- Open source Python control code
Contact us to configure these near diffraction-limited optics to your own specifications.

Choice of Fluorescence Wavelengths
Our standard Optics Module detects the following:
- Blue (e.g., Dapi): Excitation 370-410 nm; Emission 429-462 nm
- Green (e.g., FITC): Excitation 473-491 nm; Emission 502-561 nm
- Red: (e.g., Texas Red): Excitation 580-598 nm; Emission 612-680 nm
We have built other color combinations as well including those for Cy3 and Cy5. Let us know what you need.
Dual Camera Optics Modules – Capture 2 Emissions From 1 Excitation

Addition of image splitter

Image splitter plus mirror to give

XYZ Automation Platform
- Low profile K-frame stage
- Microscope slides, microplates, flasks, custom microfluidics
- Robust labware nest positioning, loading and unloading
- Low single digit micron XY precision
- Robust autofocus and z-stacking 14mm travel, 100 nm steps
- Withstands incubator environments
- 4-position turret available

Motorized Z for Autofocus and Z-slices
- 14 mm travel, 100 nm step size
- Lead screw design
- High precision, low backlash
- Able to autofocus repeatedly at same location
- Image-based autofocus algorithm open source Python
- Supports optional 4-position turret

Multi-Head Microscope
Parallel Imaging
- 36 mm separation
- Mix and match objectives, cameras, colors
- Up to 4 heads
- Faster imaging
Only possible with Etaluma’s compact optics!

Newer Generation CMOS Cameras
- USB3 or GigE, C-mount connection
- High bit-depth (≥ 12)
- Fast frame rates
- Rolling or global shutter
- More sensor choices
- Better performance & multi-platform

Etaluma’s New LED Controller
Fine Illumination Control
- 6 LED channels
- High speed
- Thousands of illumination levels
- Direct triggering for LED synchronization
- PWM and direct current control
- Multi-platform
- Small form-factor (over 3X smaller than OTS units)
- Tolerates 55 C, 5%-95% relative humidity, noncondensing

More Optics Module Customization
- Shorter optics module (< 80 mm)
- Mirror block under objective
- Multiple applications where instruments have restricted Z height

Private-label Microscopes
Market your own microscope with your name displayed. Specialized software can allow you to optimize your customer’s experience. We can handle the labeling or ship them to you for finishing. We can also drop ship them to your customers.

Complete overhead clearance allows plumbing, micromanipulators, compact incubator chambers, and perfusion experiments. Add reagents while recording live video.
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